Thursday, May 14, 2009

Best. Concert. Ever.

That's the name of Jonathan Coulton's new live DVD/CD, and while I don't know yet if the DVD lives up to that, I do know that last night's concert definitely ranks as one of the most fun concerts I've been to.

If you've never been, a Jonathan Coulton concert isn't really just Jonathan Coulton. Even though Paul and Storm are technically the opening band, they play for an entire hour and then they come back out a few times during Coulton's set.

Really, the audience was in rare form, and we were told as much by Paul and Storm. During one of the audience participation moments, we were given a relatively loose order (DEJECTED ARRR), and when the audience members that actually acted it out, every one of us tilted our head to the same side. This prompted Paul and Storm to comment that Dallas must be some sort of capital of Method Acting. I think the fact that the Rennaissance Faire is in town had something to do with that.

Paul and Storm played more of their full length songs than they did last time, which I think is a good thing, even though I kind of missed their rejected commercials.

JoCo's set was good, and we were treated to two different encores. In that way, I was reminded very much of Ben Folds. The first encore was First of May, but they brought up The Bad Philosophers to do their rendition in ASL, AS SEEN ON YOUTUBE:

I'm so going to have to download some of their podcasts, you know, what with the philosophy degree and all.

Second encore was I Feel Fantastic, which has got to be one of my favorite songs that I don't actually own on a CD. The only noticeable song missing from his set was Tom Cruise Crazy.

Overall, it was a terrific show, made all the better by a rowdy rambunctious audience. But don't take my word for it. Both P&S and JoCo tweeted about how much they enjoyed doing the show.

jonathancoulton: Jeez Dallas. You were amazing, thank you.

paulandstorm: [P] Thank you from both of us, Dallas; and I apologize for saying your whole state smells like sweaty balls. It *is* hot here, though.

Okay, play us out, Keyboard Cat.