Sunday, June 21, 2009

So this is what getting out feels like

This weekend I didn't do a whole heck of a lot other than cook (chili 5 way on Wednesday, shrimp & pineapple fried rice on Thursday, chicken curry masala on Thursday), but I totally made up for it on Saturday. Saturday I spent a good 5 hours at roller derby watching the River Valley Roller Girls from Ft. Smith, AR play the Lone Star Assassins from Dallas' own Assassination City Roller Derby (ASS City for short) and the other teams from Assassination City, the Deadly Kennedys play the Bombshell Brigade. I gotta confess, just based on the white shirts and black ties, I'm partial to the Deadly Kennedys. The Jello Biafra reference in their name only plays into my preference of them a little bit. It's kinda like how when I can finally see Austin's league, the #4 ranked Texas Rollergirls, I'm pretty much already going to be partial to the Hell Maries because of their Catholic schoolgirl plaid skirts that are part of their uniform. Hey, at least I'm admitting to it.

Overall, it was a great time. I was sitting next to the mom of the captain of the Lone Star Assassins. That was fine until the awkward moment when (almost) out of the blue she started talking to me about how the Freemasons were a cult that didn't believe that Jesus Christ was our Lord and Savior and began insisting pretty hard that I praise Jay-sus. Fortunately, being raised Catholic and having a degree in religious studies allowed me to sort of deflect it by quoting Scripture at her (namely Matthew 6:5-6 where Jesus lambastes the hypocrites who make their religion a public spectacle and praises those who are faithful but don't brag about it).

Anyway, after derby let out, I actually tamped down the social awkwardness (I know, shock of shocks) and went to the afterparty at Lee Harvey's. My co-worker Frank was right. The place IS a real dive. That said, it was still fun nonetheless. Despite the partially hipster crowd (the place is known for its PBR, after all, and that shit's like pheromones for hipsters), the place was really laid back. Just like as I said with derby, Lee Harvey's is a place where rednecks, punks, bikers and hipsters can get along despite starting from totally different places. Personally, I think it's the tattoos that bring them together, as all those groups are pretty well known for having them.

After downing a few reasonably priced Shiners, I made the quick jaunt to the 24hr Café Brazil to kill the buzz before driving home. However, looking at the reviews on Yelp, I probably should have had some of the food there. Like I said, busy night for me.

But wait! There's more! Next week I'm getting started in a Werewolf: the Apocalypse game. I'm getting into the game through my friend Ange, and while I've not met the storyteller, he is anti-power gamer, which is good. I don't know his gaming style yet, but he seems very SRS BSNS. That's not so good. That said, he's flexible regarding my schedule, which is a first for normal people that have normal jobs. I'll just have to see how things are once we actually play.

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