Saturday, July 4, 2009

Weak in Review

Let us see. Early in the week I made pho from scratch by following this recipe. It was good, but I highly doubt I'll make it anytime in the near future. To say it doesn't re-heat well is an understatement. Actually, it's not the re-heating that gets me; the fact that is becomes gelatinous in the refrigerator is what grosses me out. I think I'll stick to making curries, thank you very much.

Thursday had me slinging dice for the first time in years, this time playing old school Werewolf: the Apocalypse. It was great, but it's going to take some time getting adjusted to pen & paper rules. The last time I played Apocalypse (or any White Wolf, for that matter), it was live action. This is much better. Far less drama.

Today I was supposed to go out with someone down in Austin who's down here visiting from Indiana, but it seems apparent at this point that I've been stood up. I don't know what's more sad; the fact that I'm continually fooled by people who agree to something and then fail to follow through or at the very least call to apologize, or the fact that I pretty much expected this outcome from the very beginning.

But hey, as I expected this, I wasn't too upset when the plans fell through. I was able to have alternate plans and celebrate this 4th of July in my own way. I woke up early, watched Team America: World Police (can you think of anything more fitting?) and baked a Quiche Slygly. Holy crap was it delicious. The gruyère really makes it. Don't skimp and get something like Swiss or something worse. Sure, it seems expensive as hell, but I only used about a third of the 8 oz block I bought and even that was a little bit too much.

Oh! Fun fact for today. Apparently someone in one social networking sites I inhabit took issue with the fact that I watched Team America on today of all days (though my friends on Facebook seemed to be as amused as I was by it). If that pissed him off, I wonder what he'd think of my (slightly) hyperbolic analogy of "patriotism : nationality :: racism : race." I'm not quite willing to give up on the idea of patriotism as a whole, but that's because I discern between patriotism and whatever the hell it is that rednecks, Dominionists, and neo-conservatives practice.. I'd label that senseless kind of flag-waving demand for lock-step agreement in anything America does (unless, you know, dem der libruls are running things) as jingoism.

Sorry for that aside. Hey, my weekend' s not even over. I have tomorrow off as well. I'm going down to Austin to see the Texas Rollergirls. For real this time. Hopefully I'll see the Hell Marys beat the crap out of the Honky Tonk Heartbreakers. Hey, I was raised Catholic, I gotta root for the team in the Catholic schoolgirl outfits, especially the one whose number is a reference to the Whore of Babylon. :D
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