Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dem der netterwebs

So, I've been out of the loop and off-line for some time.

Catching up on my RSS feeds is promising to be a daunting task, but this post-PAX post by Mssrs Paul & Storm makes up for it. It really makes me wish I had gone to PAX. Seriously. That post is filled with videos that are so filled with geek joy and pure unadulterated WIN that it's hard to not get caught up in it, and that's just secondhand from crummy YouTube videos.

I've been gaming quite a bit as well. Yes, World of Warcraft. I'll get tired of it in a few months because the characters I've got on my main server are pretty much on their own because everyone I know that plays is on a different server and playing end game content. I'm on Korgath, but apparently some people I know play on Icecrown, Korialstrasz, and Gnomeregan as I have some lowbie characters on there but I don't know why. And there's the RP server Cenarion Circle. At least I know who's on that server. But it's really hard to just up and switch servers. I have so many characters on one server and they all mail stuff back and forth to each other because they all have different secondary skills. All the lowbie herbalism mats that my 59 Rogue got in doing the Exploration Achievements went to my Inscription toon, Voudoun, and any and all loot drops that I can't use get sent to Jägermonster for disenchanting. I wish I could ship all my toons on one server to another server for a single price instead of having to pay $15 for a single character. I mean, I could start a Death Knight on another server at level 55, but they're about as fun as Warriors and Paladins, and I'd have to start from level 1 playing anything fun, like Warlocks, Rogues, and Shamans.

Other gaming? I picked up The Beatles Rock Band. I said it on Twitter, but I've got to give my congratulations to Paul, Ringo, and Yoko for allowing Harmonix to make the game, and for making sure it was even better than Rock Band 2. Hell, I was playing the Ed Sullivan stage and it gave me freaking goosebumps. Sure, it's not like being there, but it's a hell of a lot closer to being there than the old fuzzy black & White video everyone has seen. My parents are coming to visit from Florida next week and I think they'll get a bigger kick out of it even more than the original Rock Band.

Ahh, and because I couldn't just pass up on it, I went to the Pirate Punk Pre-Bout party at the Barley House last night. I enjoyed the everloving crap out of it, finally met someone from the Livejournal face-to-face (who's far cooler than she lets on), and was thanked again and again for helping out and helping take down stuff. I'm helping, Bizarro! Feeling useful rocks. It's going to be even better next weekend for the pirate themed bout, given that not only will I be there, but my parents as well (and hopefully my co-worker that goes to Scarborough Faire as part of a pirate troupe). From what I've discovered is that it's hard as hell to actually get people to come out to see a derby bout, but relatively easy to make a fan out of someone once they're there. I'd love to see my parents become derby fans, even if their home teams would be Tallahassee and Panama City. Even if they aren't local fans, the more fans there are nationwide, the better it is for everyone.

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