Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I love new media

To be more correct, I should probably say I love using new technology to access old media. My parents pay something around $100 a month for basic DSL and an expanded cable lineup, of which I'm sure they  watch maybe a half dozen channels.

Me? I will admit I pay a premium for internet access. But I have FIOS at 15MB/s down as well as 15MB/s up. But if I were to get even basic cable tacked on, my Verizon bill would easily balloon to at least $125 a month. Instead, I get my movie and television fix from a multitude of sources.

For movies and TV shows of the past, there is, of course, Netflix, both via mail and their View Instantly movies.

As far as television is concerned, I catch MSNBC's pundit shows via their podcasts. Heroes, Battlestar Galactica, Psych, and Chuck I'm able to watch on Hulu. New episodes of [adult swim] cartoons I can watch on their own site if I'm too impatient to wait for the season to come out on DVD (as I am with Venture Bros). And gods forbid, I actually pay for The Daily Show and The Colbert Report on iTunes ($10 a month each for a month's worth of new episodes).

I know I could catch the shows on their respective sites, but news and current events shows sort of need to be watched soon after they air, and I don't have the bandwidth the stream those shows over my mobile broadband connection that I have at work. Additionally, I don't have the time to watch it at home during my work week, what with the 12 hour shifts. It's still a hell of a lot cheaper than a cable subscription, yes?

I know overall, I'm certainly not saving any money on media consumption as compared to my parents. I'm just spending it diffferently. My cell phone bill is significantly higher than that of the average user because I have both the phone and the $60 for the EVDO line into my laptop. I just see internet as a necessity for me whereas suburbanites twenty years older than me consider cable TV a necessity.
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