Saturday, February 7, 2009

Seven deadly sins, seven dirty words

Oh for the love of all that's holy I'm cynical. I recently saw this little gem on the internet and was pretty much filled with revulsion at having watched it. I'm not depressed and I'm not in a particularly bad mood. I just don't like the assumption that this kind of frou frou nonsense has universal utility. I especially don't like this attitude of, "Oh, you choose to be depressed or pissed off, so it's your own fault if you aren't constantly wearing your happy helmet and inspiring joy joy feelings in all those around you." I say we should take this philosophy to the detainees in Guantánamo Bay and tell them that it's their own faut that they aren't choosing to enjoy their extended Caribbean vacation.

I don't know. I just take umbrage at people who go up to depressed people and tell them to be happy as if it's the easiest thing in the world to do. It's not, especially when someone is depressed. Hell, if the person actually turned their emotions around on a dime like these people are wanting them to, they'd still find fault with them and call them manic depressive. It's a no-win situation for the person being told what to do.

Shifting gears a little bit, something else that royally pisses me off is people who rattle that same tired cliché about people who swear only do so because they have a limited vocabulary and are too stupid to come up with the words to get their point across without swearing. Bullshit. There are a myriad of reasons for using profanity other than ignorance, some of which include dramatic effect, brevity, or as an emphatic interjection. For example, say you suddenly find a live grenade in your pocket. You have about three seconds to live. Do you say, "My word, why I belie*BOOM*" or do you say something like, "Oh, shit!"?

I'll be the first to admit that there are some people who are just terrible at swearing. Like middle schoolers. They suck at swearing and throw in profanity in places that make no gorram sense and use it so often as to dull the impact of using them. That's no reason to denigrate an entire class of users of certain words simply because a vocal minority improperly uses them.

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