Sunday, July 19, 2009

Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl, but she doesn't have a lot to say

This certainly was one of the better weekends I've had in some time.

Wednesday was pretty dull, but I did get the house cleaned. I probably should have gone to the grocery store as well, but I didn't.

Thursday involved seeing Rancid with my friend Billy from College Station. Rancid's set, although short, kicked all sorts of ass and I got sucked into the pit and was bouncing around for the entire time. It was awesome. Oh, in the crazy random happenstance department, at the show I ended up running into the waiter who served us at Café Brazil earlier that afternoon.

Friday involved celebrating Stacy's birthday all the way in the middle of nowhere, i.e. Azle TX. I was worried I'd be late, considering it's on the other side of Ft. Worth, but I got there at a reasonable hour. I know I had a great time, and I was able to evangelize about the awesome that is Strongbow with two six packs that were very well received.

Saturday was derby night, and that was even more fun than the bout last month. Although I wish I got there earlier than I did so I could snag a seat closer to the action, it was still a blast. For one, I actually put in a bit of effort into the costume. As I said earlier, I was going to go to Goodwill and get a white button up shirt and spraypaint an S on it, then wear a black tie. Turns out that because it's Texas in summer, the only shirts they happened to be selling were t-shirts and polo shirts. WTF? So, I had to drop the $20 on a brand new shirt and spraypaint that.

I didn't particularly care about dropping that kind of money on a new shirt that I was going to immediately ruin. After derby, I especially didn't care because I got plenty of compliments and questions about the shirt and my favorite fez from a number of the skaters and some other reactions from other people. One person at Lee Harvey's needed to get my picture because he too was a fan of the Dead Kennedys and knew exactly what I was trying to do. Also, someone at the skating rink asked me if I was taking bets on the bouts because of the dollar sign that my shirt and tie made. That was kind of weird.

I'd previously mentioned that I'd been led to believe that over the 4th of July weekend, I'd be meeting up with someone from my hometown who was down here in Texas but had been stood up. While it is true that we didn't have a chance to meet up, being stood up turns out to be far too strong of a phrase. Apparently her hotel didn't have the Internet access that they say they did, and since my number was only available to her online, she couldn't call. I was informed of this when she got back to Indiana and she sent me an apology and explanation, though I asked for no such explanation. We've actually kept in consistent contact since then, so I find this overall to be a series of fortunate events, particularly compared to some of the memories I have of her from 7th grade math class.

Finally, I've been drooling over some of the designs over at As far as shirts that have come and are on the bubble, I'm really digging on this Back to the Future/Doctor Who shirt and The Filthy Hippies fake band shirt. As for this current derby (theme: tattoo), I have to confess, I really like this one. You know, with the short shorts, the striped socks, and the old school Vans, it reminds me very much of a roller derby logo, especially with their love of Betti Page era pinups and punk.

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