Monday, April 20, 2009

Good thing I had savings

So, I've taken the cat to the vet, I've given him a name, and I've spent a buttload on all the things you need when you first get a pet, such as litter box, nail clippers, pet carrier, etc.

Unfortunately the name I had given the cat in my head was pretty lame, but it's stuck. The cat is a neutered male and named Mango. I totally wasn't thinking of Chris Kataan's character when I came up with that. I thought of it because I initially thought the thin hair on his back side was due to mange instead of excessive cleaning.

So far, Mango seems pretty laid back, other than getting him into a carrier to get him to the vet. That proved to be difficult. But other than that? Pretty great news from the vet. He'd already been neutered, he wasn't microchipped by a previous owner, and he doesn't have FIV. He seems to have been taken care of before I got him because he stops eating when he's full instead of gorging himself and throwing up on the carpet. I'm going to have to get those nails trimmed, however, because getting a gentle pat, pat, pat on my eyes as an alarm clock isn't my idea of a good time.

I've been talking too much of my cat as of late, so I give you a technology C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

There are a couple programs/add-ons I think people might like.

From Steve Gibson, I've found one of those programs you don't realize you've been missing until you try it. Katmouse is a nifty little mousewheel utility program. What it does is relatively minor but insanely useful. It allows you to scroll on windows that aren't on the top. For example, you can be watching something on part of the screen on VLC or Quicktime or whatever, but you can also scroll through the website that's underneath without having to click on the browser first and thus hide the video window. I can't believe something like this isn't part of generic mouse software it's so simple.

The other thing I've found to be pretty awesome is a Firefox add-on called XMarks. It used to be called Foxmarks, but now that it's also available on Internet Explorer and Safari, the name wasn't entirely accurate. Get an Xmarks account and install the add-on, and XMarks will sync up your bookmarks to their server. This is great if you surf the internet on multiple computers because your bookmarks will be the same on all the computers that you have (that are running XMarks, of course). This can also be useful if, like me, you wipe and re-install your operating system fairly often. That's just one fewer thing I have to worry about backing up when I wipe everything.

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